Dental Hygienist vs Dentist, What’s the difference?

Do you ever wonder why your Dentist refers you to a Dental Hygienist? Well here are the differences to what your Dentist and Hygienist do, and their importance to your Dental Health. Dental Check-Up; The Dentist checks more than you may think, and you might not even notice! What the dentist checks on the outside;…

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Sponsorship of Berwick U13 Rugby Team

  Presentation of new strip to U13 team The sponsors of Berwick U 13 rugby team , Brucegate Dental Practice, Edwin Thompon Estate Agent, and Brian Weatherburn Builders were at Scremerston on Sunday to present the team with their new strip and training tops. Thanks from BRFC Neil Armstrong from BRFC committe said,” We are…

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National Smile Month 2018

National Smile Month 2018 National Smile Month is the largest and longest-running campaign to promote good oral health.  It is run by the National Oral Health Foundation and promotes sharing positive messages and engaging others in developing and maintaining a healthy mouth. Their messages are:    Brush your teeth last thing at night and on…

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