Mental Health Awareness
Our practice manager Nicola recently completed the Mental Health Counselling and Psychotherapy course. This course highlights the significant stresses and strains the pandemic amongst other things can play on team members. It’s important for everyone in the practice to know they have the support they need. Now well equipped, Nicola is here to help team…
Oral Health Education
Our Dental Nurse Liann recently qualified as an Oral Health Educator. You can now make an appointment with Liann if you are concerned about your children not brushing their teeth properly. She also sees adults too! There have been many new things introduced or discovered in dentistry over the past 20 years, which means the…
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween! Spooky season is upon us, are you getting dressed up to go trick or treating? Here’s some tricks to keeping your teeth healthy while still enjoying those mountains of treats. Choose your treats wisely, try and avoid sticky ones that stay on your teeth after you’ve finished eating them (e.g. gummy sweets, toffees…