Diabetes and how it affects your mouth

Diabetes affects the whole body – Gum Disease is the lesser known complication  What is Diabetes? It is a metabolic disorder affecting blood sugar levels. This means; The body is unable to produce or properly use insulin, a hormone needed to convert sugar, starches and other foods into energy. It is estimated that 4.05 Million people…

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Root Canal It’s Not So Scary

Root Canal Treatment has long been the words that send shivers down a patients spine! But it isn’t anything to be afraid of. Root canal is a treatment to save your tooth and avoiding from having the tooth extracted! What is Root Canal Treatment? Root Canal Treatment, also known as Endodontics, is a dental procedure…

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Dental Hygienist vs Dentist, What’s the difference?

Do you ever wonder why your Dentist refers you to a Dental Hygienist? Well here are the differences to what your Dentist and Hygienist do, and their importance to your Dental Health. Dental Check-Up; The Dentist checks more than you may think, and you might not even notice! What the dentist checks on the outside;…

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